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Executive Board



Hi, My name is Nebyate Seged and I'm a Senior studying Chemical Engineering. This year, I'll be serving as President of the University of Arizona NSBE Chapter. Outside of NSBE, I'm involved with Bobcats Senior Honorary, undergraduate research in the Blowers Lab, and the Ronald E. McNair Achievement Program. In my free time I enjoy hiking up Mt. Lemmon and playing basketball at the Rec. I'm looking forward to a great year with NSBE!

Communications Chair

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I am Koseku Buzugbe, majoring in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Urban and Regional Development. I work as a Recruitment and Outreach Assistant for the School of Mining and Mineral Resources, also serving as an Engineering Ambassador for the College of Engineering. I do research in Dr. Blowers' Applied Quantum Chemistry lab, along with being a research assistant I am a preceptor for Dr. Blowers' Elements of Chemical Engineering class.

Finance Chair


I am Tobi, the Treasurer for this year. Currently a Junior in Chemical engineering. I have a few clubs I am in outside of NSBE: AZ Men's Soccer, Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta chairman, and Stumo. I enjoy making music typically playing the piano, going to the gym and hiking to appreciate nature.

Programs Chair


I am Aaliyah Mazze currently a sophomore studying Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering. The other clubs I am involved with are Engineering Student Council, Society of Women Engineering, Pride of Arizona Marching Band. For fun I like to try new restaurants in Tuscon, go on hikes with my friends, buy plants and dance.

Vice President


Hello I am Patrick Pinder-Newton, currently a Junior studying Mechanical Engineering. I'll be serving as the Vice President for this year! I love to play video games, go to the gym and have a good time with my friends. Another club I am apart of is Engineers Without Borders which involves using engineering skills to solve problems for small communities in need. I hope to create an amazing within NSBE!

NSBE Jr. Chair


My name is Ani, and I am the NSBE Junior chair. I am majoring in biomedical engineering and minoring in electrical and computer engineering and French. In my free time I like to spend time with friends, play guitar, and read. 

About: About
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